Forza Horizon 4

Forza Horizon 4 was released on Windows and Xbox consoles on 28th September 2018 to widespread critical acclaim, collecting numerous awards including a BAFTA for Best British Game.

Forza Horizon 4 Official Launch Trailer

I joined Playground Games while Forza Horizon 4 was in mid-development. I took ownership of the #Forzathon feature that delivers daily and weekly challenges, as well as #Forzathon Live which was our “public event” feature, where once an hour on the hour, an airship would appear in the world advertising the location where the event would start. Players gather at that location, and then participate in social and co-operative gameplay to defeat a series of challenges within a time limit. By completing #Forzathon activities, players earn a special currency that they can use to purchase exclusive items from the #Forzathon Shop. These features were designed to keep players engaged with and returning to the game over time.

In the run-up to the game’s release, I helped choreograph its reveal at the E3 2018 Xbox Briefing, which included footage of #Forzathon Live in action:

E3 2018 Xbox Briefing

Once the game launched, I played a pivotal role in its “Live” programme of free monthly updates, with each update containing 4 weeks’ worth of content (called a Series), with the in-game seasons changing in each week. In addition to the game’s premium expansions, we developed and delivered a plethora of new and free features through this programme which made Forza Horizon 4 extremely successful at acquiring and retaining players.

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